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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

UN MDG Side-Event on - "Population and Environment:

"Population and Environment:
Linking MDGs 5 and 7"
When: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. to coincide with the United Nations MDG Summit and the Clinton Global Initiative's Annual Meeting
Where: The Church Center for the United Nations, 777 United Nations Plaza, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10017 (directly across from the UN)
Safiye Cagar, Director, Information and External Relations Division, UNFPA, Welcome
Tamara Kreinin, Executive Director, Women & Population Program, UN Foundation, and Roger-Mark De Souza, Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations, Sierra Club, Co-Moderators
Musimbi Kanyoro, Director, Population and Reproductive Health Program, Packard Foundation, How Women, Reproductive Health and Environment Bridge MDGs 5 and 7
Lorena Aguilar, Global Senior Gender Adviser, IUCN and Kathleen Mogelgaard, Senior Advisor, Population, Gender & Climate, PAI, Evidence on Population and Environment/Climate Change Linkages
Judy Oglethorpe, Managing Director, Climate Adaptation, WWF-US and Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka, Ashoka Fellow, CEO, Conservation Through Public Health, Uganda, Integrated Population, Health and Environment (PHE) Projects: Case Studies from the Field
What: This side-event will highlight connections among population, gender, reproductive health, and environmental sustainability/climate change issues, and demonstrate the benefits of integrated approaches to achieving the MDGs, particularly MDG 5 (improve maternal health) and MDG 7 (ensure environmental sustainability).
Special guest speakers will showcase how these population and environment issues are being addressed from global to community levels.
After the presentations, a structured discussion and workshop with leading NGOs and experts will identify priorities for policy, advocacy and research agendas to achieve the MDGs, with an emphasis on the population, gender, reproductive health and environmental linkages.
Organized by the Center for Environment and Population, Population Action International and Sierra Club. For more information, contact Vicky Markham: vmarkham@cepnet.org. No RSVP necessary. Refreshments will be served.

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