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Monday, December 5, 2011

Nursing Mothers Get Free Medical Services in Kuje

Abdulkadir Y. Abdullahi

As parts of arrangements to celebrate this year's 'Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Week', nursing mothers and others in Kuje Area Council will receive free medical services this week, an official of Kuje Primary Health Care has said.

Mrs. Helen Oyerinde, assistant coordinator, Family Health Unit, called on women to bring out their children with a view to accessing medical services such as immunization, advice on quality nutrition, directives on tackling malaria, anti- natal care and other forms of health education.

She said the rural population have been mobilized to participate in the programme, adding that parents are expected to go to the nearest health facilities in their communities to get their wards de-wormed and immunized against deadly diseases.

According to her, the aim of the programme was to ensure the survival of breast feeding mothers and children in such ways that will build healthy and strong families for the benefit of society, saying "the event comes up twice every year as a health intervention package."

"We have trained our personnel to carry out the tasks. We shall engage mothers in talks about anti natal care, delivery, post-natal care as well as family planning. It is really an integrated health services for mothers, newborn babies and children," she added.

The Health worker listed some of the free services to include antenatal care, tetanus toxoid, birth registration, immunization, oral rehydration salt, nutrition screening, hand washing demonstration and distributions of de-worming as well as iron/folic acid tablets, among others.

She advised parents to turn out in their large numbers to tap some useful gains from the routine exercise.
