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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

WORLD AIDS DAY: Getting to Zero

Getting to Zero Campaign Count Down
(Day 3) - Zero New HIV Infections
(Day 2) - Zero Stigmatization
The Count down began 3 days to World AIDS Day 2011.
AMIHIN is part of the global voice joining the Getting to Zero Campaign:
Three days were devoted to advocating for different Ground Zero Campaigns and today is: Zero New HIV Infections.
More than 34 million people in the world have HIV; over 22 million live in Africa. The disease is the leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa with approximately 3,600 people dying every day from AIDS.
It costs around 40 cents a day for the 2 antiretroviral pills needed to help keep someone living with HIV alive and healthy. Yet more than 70% of people in sub-Saharan Africa live on less than $2 a day.
In Nigeria, an estimated 3.6 percent of the population is living with HIV and AIDS. Although HIV prevalence is much lower in Nigeria than in other African countries such as South Africa and Zambia, the size of Nigeria’s population (around 149 million) means that by the end of 2009, there were 3.3 million people living with HIV
Approximately 220,000 people died from AIDS in Nigeria in 2009. With AIDS claiming so many lives, Nigeria’s life expectancy has declined significantly. In 1991 the average life expectancy was 54 years for women and 53 years for men. In 2009 these figures had fallen to 48 for women and 46 for men.
Our Zero New HIV Infections campaign can only be achieved with the following issues addressed:
1. Make the people understand the importance of HIV testing.
2. Educating and giving the people life skills-based HIV education
3. More Media campaigns and public awareness
4. Availability of condoms
5. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission
Advocacy for Maternal and Infant Health in Nigeria (AMIHIN) has always reached out and we will continue to do so. But we cannot do it alone.
Follow us on twitter: @amihn2000 and watch this spot!.